It’s illegal to discriminate on the grounds of a person’s age, disability, gender, race, religion or sexual orientation. Yet only one-third of EU citizens are fully aware that they are legally protected against discrimination.
Plus, it’s also illegal for people to harass you or incite others to discriminate against you, even if it’s online. Everybody in the European Union should be safe and free to be themselves. If something like this does happen, the law provides mechanisms for you to react and get justice in the courts.
Don’t back down, know yourrights protection from discrimination!
The racial and ethnic discrimination are a daily reality for too many people in Europe. Read more aboutfighting racism in Europe.
The EU Treaties andCharter of Fundamental Rightsexplicitly prohibit discrimination on the grounds of sex and sexual orientation and so LGBTI people have a number ofrightsunder EU law.The first-everEU strategy on LGBTIQequality was adopted on 11 November, 2020.
Over 70 million EU citizens live with a disability which makes it hard for them to do the things most people take for granted.
The EU focuses on eliminating barriers that prevent people with disabilities from engaging with society and participating fully – from accessibility to goods and services to education and employment.Disability rights strategy for 2021-30.