Shaping our digital future is on Europe’s priority list. 20% of its recovery plan (Next Generation EU)will help developdigitalinfrastructure to make sure everyone stays connected.
Europe’s first ever Regulation on Artificial Intelligence was launched on 21 April, 2021. The EU introduced new standards to make sure AI can be trusted.
“I have read the terms and conditions” is definitely one of the most common lies we say. But, as the Facebook scandal proved, companies take advantage of the fine print and the data we make available and use it in ways we never imagined or agreed to.
This is where the EU stepped in with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). The law forces companies to be more transparent about the way they use your data and gives you more control over it, including the right to ask for it to be deleted.
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Insults, threats, gossip, exclusion, stalking, identity theft – cyberbullying and hate speech can take many forms and affect young people the most. And you know the internet – once it’s out there, it’s hard to get rid of.
New EU rules introduced the right to be forgotten that allows victims to request that their personal data is deleted. Plus, the EU is working with companies such as Facebook, Twitter and YouTube to set up a code of conduct and fight against hate speech online.